Jogging your memory

We have arrived in the UK and I have had my last proper training run. Bracknell, where we are staying with my folks, at 6am on Saturday morning was quite serene. After a couple of warm days the flowers and trees are in bloom. As I ran around the town that I grew up in, the memories came flooding back. I ran for 20km and everywhere I went I could recall a memory from more than 25 years ago. If marathon running is my midlife crises then this “therapy session” has left me feeling very appreciative of what I have and what I have experienced to get me here.

A couple of things I don’t remember but witnessed on my run were, a deer, a team of sled dogs, a fox and a couple of Bracknell youths riding their bikes with hoodies and attitude. At 6.30am I like to think they were riding home after a big night out, if not the Bracknell Massive obviously takes hanging around on street corners extremely seriously to be up training at that hour.

I am feeling in fine form, a couple of light runs this week and lots of rest and I will be at the start line ready to go.

Here’s to creating another happy memory!